Wind Meters for Emergency Preparedness: How They Can Help Save Lives

Wind Meters for Emergency Preparedness

As the old saying goes, “Forewarned is forearmed.” And when it comes to emergency preparedness, having advanced warning of impending weather conditions can mean the difference between life and death. That’s where wind meters come in. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore how wind meters can help save lives during emergencies and disasters by providing essential data that first responders and individuals need to make informed decisions about their safety. So buckle up (or should we say “strap on your anemometer”) – let’s dive into the world of wind meters for emergency preparedness!

What types of wind meters are available?

Depending on the application, different types of anemometers are available to measure wind speeds. Some examples include:

  • Handheld anemometers: Ideal for measuring winds in remote locations or during power outages.
  • Static anemometers: Can be mounted on buildings or other structures to continuously monitor wind speeds.
  • Portable anemometers: Can be moved from location to location and are often used by field technicians or researchers. 
  • Weather vane anemometers: Specialized wind meters measure the direction and speed of winds at a particular location over time.
  • Ultrasonic anemometers: Remote unit that sends signals to a control panel or other device to measure wind speeds.
  • Sonic anemometers: Measures turbulences in airflow and can be used to research how air moves around objects. 
  • Laser Doppler anemometers: Advanced systems used to measure the speed of particles or objects in the atmosphere and can be used in research. 
  • Radar anemometers: Measure the speed of winds at large distances and can be used to measure wind speeds over bodies of water. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Meters

In an emergency, every second counts. That’s why having a wind meter on hand can be a lifesaver. Wind meters can help you quickly and accurately assess the wind speed and direction, allowing you to make informed decisions about whether to evacuate or seek shelter.


  1. Quickly and accurately assess wind speed and direction, allowing you to make informed decisions in an emergency.
  2. Portable, easy to use, and require minimal maintenance.
  3. Inexpensive compared to other weather equipment.
  4. Can be used in a variety of environments, such as high altitudes or mountainous terrain.
  5. Provides valuable data and information on wind conditions to help with forecasting and disaster planning.
  6. Energy efficient—most operate off batteries or small solar panels that don’t require constant energy input
  7. Versatile—can be used for multiple applications if the right one is chosen for the job


  1. Can be expensive depending on the model purchased
  2. Require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure accuracy
  3. Susceptible to damage from extreme weather conditions
  4. Limited battery life may cause additional expense if frequent replacement is necessary
  5. Accuracy can be affected by obstructions such as trees or buildings
  6. It Can be challenging to read or interpret the data collected
  7. Prone to vandalism or theft if left unattended for extended periods

However, wind meters also have their disadvantages. For one, they can be expensive. Additionally, they require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure accuracy. And finally, they can be damaged or destroyed in extreme weather conditions.

Despite these disadvantages, wind meters can be extremely helpful in emergencies. If you can invest in one, it’s worth considering as part of your emergency preparedness plan.

How to use a wind meter for emergency preparedness?

Knowing how to use a wind meter can help you make critical decisions that could mean the difference between life and death in a severe storm or other emergency. Here are some tips on how to use a wind meter for emergency preparedness:

  1. Know the wind speeds that indicate danger. In general, sustained winds of 40 mph or more significant can cause damage and harm people and property. Higher gusts can be even more dangerous.
  2. Pay close attention to your wind meter readings during emergencies. Immediately protect yourself and others if you see sustained winds approaching or exceeding the dangerous threshold.
  3. Use your wind meter readings to help you decide whether to evacuate or shelter in place. You may stay put and ride out the storm if conditions are safe. However, evacuating to a safer location may be your best option if conditions are severe.
  4. Be sure to follow all instructions from emergency officials during an emergency. They will have the most up-to-date information about conditions and can guide your actions.
  5. Keep your wind meter in a safe, accessible place to grab it in an emergency quickly. Having it handy will allow you to quickly check conditions and make informed decisions about what actions to take.

Following these tips, you can use a wind meter to help prepare for and respond to emergencies.

What are wind meters, and why are they essential for emergency preparedness?

Wind meters are devices that measure the wind speed and direction. They are used in various applications, including weather forecasting, aviation, and emergency preparedness. Wind meters are essential for emergency preparedness because they can provide information about the strength and direction of the wind, which can help emergency responders prepare for and respond to severe weather events. Wind data can also be used to help assess damage after an extreme weather event has occurred. In the aftermath of a severe weather event, understanding the speed and direction of the wind can help emergency responders assess property damage by knowing where to focus their efforts first. Understanding the wind conditions in an area during a storm can also help inform decisions like which areas are safe for first responders and other personnel to enter and how best to protect people in nearby structures. Overall, wind meters are essential for emergency preparedness and help ensure that responders can react safely and effectively to dangerous weather conditions.  
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